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Ohio Shrink Wrap Recycling Program Reinstated

By August 16, 2016No Comments

Ohio boaters who shrink wrap their boats this winter no longer need to worry about where those pounds of plastic will end up come spring: The Ohio Clean Marinas Program has re-launched its shrink wrap recycling program throughout the state.

After a few organizational hiccups in 2014, the Ohio Clean Marinas Program is back on track and ready to hook boaters up to nearby recycling centers. Boaters can check the Clean Marinas Program website or call in to find a recycler nearest their marina. Available services — such as pick-up or drop-off — depend on individual recyclers.

Since its inception in 2006, the Ohio Clean Marinas Program has collected and recycled more than 2 million pounds of shrink wrap. The plastic is often turned into highway guardrail blocks or other construction materials.

To learn more and find a recycler near you, visit

[Photo courtesy of Paladin27 on Flickr.]