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Part of Lake Ontario’s Shoreline May Become a National Marine Sanctuary

By April 12, 2019No Comments

There are 14 national marine sanctuaries around the country, and some of the shorelines of Lake Ontario in upstate New York may be one soon, according to Areas of Oswego, Cayuga, Wayne and Jefferson counties along the lake make up the area that would be protected by the National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration. Nearly 80 shipwrecks are estimated to be located within the proposed sanctuary.

The only other sanctuary around the Great Lakes is Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary in Lake Huron. A second site, along Lake Michigan in Wisconsin, has not officially been designated, but is in the process.

If NOAA deems the proposed Lake Ontario sanctuary eligible to be designated a national marine sanctuary, the next step would be NOAA asking for public comment on the proposal.

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Photo courtesy of James Bates/Flickr.