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Pioneer in Epoxy Construction Passes Away

By November 17, 2017No Comments

Meade A. Gougeon, a pioneer in the use of epoxy boat construction and cofounder of Gougeon Brothers, passed away earlier this summer on August 27, 2017. He died peacefully surrounded by family at the age of 78. 

Along with his brothers, Jan and Joel, Gougeon founded Gougeon Brothers in 1968. The company would go on to develop West System and Pro-Set epoxies, which are today used around the world. In 1971, Gougeon launched the Adagio, the first large, all epoxy-bonded and sealed wooden boat build without fasteners. The Adagio eventually won the Bayview Mackinac Race five times. Among many other accomplishments, Gougeon also wrote “The Gougeon Brothers on Boat Construction” and was inducted into the National Sailing Hall of Fame in 2015.