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Recent Certifications Grow Certified Clean Marinas Ranks to Over 100

By May 12, 2023No Comments


Barret Boat Works in Spring Lake, North Shore Marina in Spring Lake, and The Moorings Association in New Buffalo have been certified as Michigan Clean Marinas for a three year term through 2026, bringing the total Michigan Certified Clean Marina count to 101! As part of the program, marinas voluntarily pledge to maintain and improve Michigan’s waterways by reducing or eliminating releases of harmful substances and phasing out practices that can damage aquatic environments, and also receive training and certification in key topics like siting considerations, marina design and management, stormwater management, boat maintenance and repair, petroleum control, aquatic invasive species, sewage handling, waste containment, disposal and recycling, and laws and regulations.  

In addition to the new certifications, Macatawa Bay Yacht Club in Macatawa, Pier 33 in St. Joseph, and Safe Harbor Tower Marine in Douglas have all been recertified as clean marinas for another five year term.

“It is non-regulatory, not difficult, and there are both financial and environmental gains that come with this effort,” says Nicki Polan, Executive Director of the Michigan Boating Industries Association. 

“Marinas like these and the many others who participate in this disciplined program show they are aware of and practice good environmental and business stewardship practices” adds Mark Breederland, Michigan Sea Grant Extension educator and chair of the Michigan Clean Marina Foundation Board.  “The program is a win-win by implementing and certifying on-the-dock practices to minimize potential pollution and encouraging boaters to also take good care of the water and within the marina.”    

For more information on Michigan Clean Marinas, visit

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