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Recreational Boating Continues to Grow

By January 20, 2019No Comments

Retail sales for boating rose 4 percent in 2018, according to the National Marine Manufacturers Association (NMMA). That number, about 280,000 units, is the highest since 2007 — and the association believes the number will continue to rise in 2019.

The boating industry accounted for more than $170 billion of the U.S. economy, up almost $50 billion since 2012.

“The recreational boating industry has been on a seven-year climb that’s expected to continue into 2019, bringing even more people to the water,” says Thom Dammrich, president of NMMA. “Driving these sales is a combination of the economic growth we’ve seen over the past decade, particularly with consumer confidence hovering near all-time highs and consumers seeking out boating as a way to spend quality time with family and friends outdoors.”

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