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Recreational Boating Industries Foundation Awards $12,500 in Scholarships

By July 5, 2022No Comments


The Recreational Boating Industries Educational Foundation announced an award of $12,500 in scholarships to seven students showing an avid interest in pursuing marine industry careers. Started in 1986 by the Michigan Boating Industries Association (MBIA), the RBIEF scholarship fund aims to advance opportunities for training and education to help benefit and advance Michigan’s marine industry, and annually awards scholarships to students and MBIA members and employees looking to advance their education and knowledge within the marine industry. To date, the fund has awarded $422,117 to recipients. 

 “Michigan supports the third largest recreational boating market in the country and needs qualified, educated individuals to continue our leadership role,” says RBIEF president Jim Coburn of The Coburn Consulting Company. “RBIEF is proud to provide funding and educational opportunities for individuals interested recreational boating careers.”

This year’s recipients are: Tyler Waters, Hunter Hambrick, Hannah Martin, Taylor Oselka, Michael Sly, Noel King, and Nicholas Weykamp is the recipient of the Gregory P. Krueger Scholarship, started in memory of RBIEF co-founder, MBIA Board Director and President of Jefferson Beach Yacht Sales Greg Krueger.

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