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Great Lakes NewsNews

Saxon Harbor Reopens

By August 9, 2021No Comments

Photo Courtesy of Iron County Forestry

Saxon Harbor in Iron County, Wisconsin, has reopened for the 2021 summer season. Its grand reopening and dedication on June 11 marked the end of a long road tAvo recovery following a major storm in July 2016. That storm destroyed the 90-slip marina and 85 boats in the harbor, washed away a campground with more than 30 sites, and sadly killed a beloved member of the community.

It took more than $14 million to get the marina and campground rebuilt. Several improvements will make the harbor more resilient to flooding, including a concrete spillway to divert water from creeks in the event of another major storm. The campground has also been moved to higher ground.

“It has been a long five-year road to get back to fully operational,” says Eric Peterson, Iron County Forest administrator. “Visitors to Saxon Harbor appreciate all the efforts to get us back to this point. People seem to be very pleased to see what we have brought back and they are glad to have this gem reopened.”

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