Sea Ray’s brand-new SLX-R 400e Outboard yacht is a showstopper, with the eco-friendly Fathom e-Power system supplying power to all of the model’s accessories, triple Mercury Racing 450R outboards, Mercury Joystick Piloting for Outboards, dual 16-inch displays, a full FUSION Apollo RA770 audio system, a fold-out swim terrace, room for 22 passengers and sleeping space for four. More than 170,000 people at CES 2020 in Las Vegas got to see the unveiling of the model.
“CES presents a unique opportunity to debut the new SLX-R 400e in front of an audience that will truly appreciate its beauty, capabilities and incredible suite of new technologies,” says Steve Langlais, Sea Ray president. “This pioneering new model, which will be available in 2020, showcases the kind of unique, advanced technologies that are worthy of the world’s largest consumer electronics show.”
The “e” in the model name refers to the boat’s first-of-its-kind electrification feature: The Fathom e-Power system. This system includes a high-capacity lithium-ion battery pack with an intuitive power management system capable of powering all of the boat’s accessory systems.
To learn more about the model, visit SeaRay.com.