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Seakeeper Ride Helps Reduce Pitch and Roll

By August 13, 2022August 15th, 2022No Comments


Seakeeper’s newest product launch offers the company’s first deviation from its line of gyrostabilizers. The new Seakeeper Ride eliminates up to 70% of underway pitch and roll motions, allowing for more safety, comfort and control for everyone aboard.

“Seakeeper has always been committed to bringing disruptive technology that represents a wholesale change from what’s currently available,” says Seakeeper President and CEO Andrew Semprevivo. “Seakeeper Ride isn’t an incremental improvement; it transforms what it feels like to be on a running boat. We’re drastically changing the boating experience…again.”

Seakeeper Ride controls mount to the boat’s transom below the waterline and uses inertial sensing hardware and software to understand the boat’s behavior and deploy custom-designed rotary blades to create lift and manage motion. Seakeeper Ride’s added benefits include list control, auto trim, hole shot control and coordinated turn.

Chris-Craft, Scout and Sportsman are the exclusive launch partners of Seakeeper Ride, and the new technology will be available on models as early as September 2022.

To learn more, visit

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