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Slide Anchor Joins Fight Against Invasive Species

By February 6, 2018No Comments

Joining the effort to prevent the spread of quagga mussels throughout freshwater lakes and rivers in the United States, Slide Anchor is adding “Clean, Drain and Dry” stickers to its products. 

The manufacturer’s patented and popular Box Anchor will now display an engraved metal label, reminding boaters to clean the anchor whenever leaving or entering a body of water. This will help prevent the spread of quagga mussels. 

“I’m confident that this investment in quagga mussel education will contribute to better boating for everyone in the future. If a little label like this is an effective reminder to boaters to do the right thing,” says Ryan Dvorak, founder and president of Slide Anchor. “I hope other companies will join the ‘clean, drain and dry’ movement and help keep our waterways free of aquatic invasive species.”

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