March 10, 2022
$3.6 Million Awarded for Invasive Species Projects
PHOTO COURTESY OF CHRIS ENGLE, HURON PINES.The State of Michigan has awarded 31 projects a total of $3.6 million through the Michigan Invasive Species Grant Program to help address prevention,…

February 23, 2022
Michigan Sea Grant Announces $1.5M in New Research Projects
PHOTO COURTESY OF MICHIGAN SEA GRANTMichigan Sea Grant has funded its most recent group of research projects to extend from 2022 to 2024, with $1.5 million from the Sea Grant,…

March 31, 2021
West Marine’s BlueFuture Sees Largest Grant Cycle Ever
Sea Affinity was the nonprofit chosen by the Baltimore, Maryland, West Marine store.Each year, boating retailer West Marine’s BlueFuture foundation issues grants to nonprofit organizations throughout the country that are…