Workforce development, part II: Next-gen marine tech Story by Heather Steinberger — Featured in the September 2024 issue of Lakeland Boating Earlier this year, Lakeland Boating spoke with Amy Krueger,…
PHOTO COURTESY OF SUNSTREAM BOAT LIFTSSunstream Boat Lifts’ new collection of next generation boat lift accessories built for the new SunLift SLX offer top notch design and innovation that set…
PHOTO COURTESY OF MERCURY MARINEThe company famous for its engine performance and reliability takes its legacy one step further. Mercury's Next Generation Digital Throttle and Shift (DTS) System offers a…
PHOTO COURTESY OF YANMARYanmar — supplier of innovative engines and technologically driven marine propulsion systems — has released its latest vessel control system that delivers advanced functionality, a modern design,…
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