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Victor Porter, Chairman Emeritus of Formula Boats, Passes Away at Age 90

By January 20, 2022No Comments

Victor (Vic) Porter, who spent over 60 years in the boating industry and helped launch Formula Boats into worldwide success, passed away on October 24, 2021.

Porter founded two boat companies, Duo, Inc. in 1958 and Signa Corp. in 1970. In 1973, Fuqua Industries — owner of Thunderbird and Formula Boats — purchased Signa Corp. Porter was named chairman of the small boat group and later purchased it from Fuqua Industries. Porter continued the company as Thunderbird Products, manufacturing the Signa and Formula boat lines. From facility additions to the development of new boat lines, Porter led the company with imagination and integrity into a model business manufacturing today’s prestigious Formula Boats. Porter was active in the Boating Industry Association and NMMA, and was inducted into the NMMA Hall of Fame in 2016.

Porter is survived by his wife of 71 years, Kristine, and his six children (five of whom are actively involved at Formula), 17 grandchildren and 19 great-grandchildren.

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