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WideWakes Announces WideWakes for Boaters

By November 27, 2019January 2nd, 2020No Comments

The developers of WideWakes for Boaters claim their new online product is the “greatest innovation for recreational boaters since GPS.” 

This web-based marine fuel price service allows subscribing boaters to easily create and maintain their own list of favorite marinas with current fuel prices. This list is accessible with a single touch or click on mobile devices, tablets or computers. This means that boaters can easily see the marinas they want with current fuel prices all on a single screen. They can also access detailed marina information, like location, phone number and website, specific fuel data, such as octane/ethanol content and additives (or whether fuel is available), amenities and docking facilities, local marina weather and hours of operation. 
“It easily pays for itself in a single fill up,” says B&E Marine Owner Rod Benz.
An annual subscription to WideWakes for Boaters is $35.88 and is free to try for 14 days. To learn more, visit