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Great Lakes NewsScuttle Extra

Sustain Our Great Lakes Partnership Announces $17.6 Million in Conservation Grants

By January 23, 2024No Comments


The Sustain Our Great Lakes (SOGL) partnership has announced $17.6 million in competitive grant funding for 43 projects that will restore key habitats for wildlife, improve water quality and enhance urban greenspace throughout the Great Lakes basin. The grants awarded represent the largest single grant slate ever awarded by the SOGL program.

This year’s SOGL grants will support projects in Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. Collectively, the 43 projects will: Restore more than 8 miles of stream and riparian habitat; reconnect 111 miles of river for fish passage; restore 7,300 acres of wetland habitat; prevent more than 39 tons of sediment from entering waterways annually; and more.
