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Great Lakes NewsScuttle Extra

WWII Documentary Features Lake Michigan Aircraft Carriers

By November 9, 2016No Comments

Next month, a new WWII-era documentary on the Great Lakes will be screened near Cleveland. On December 2, “Heroes on Deck” will play at the Lakewood Civic Auditorium from 7 to 10 p.m., and include a speech by the film’s director, John Davies.

The documentary examines the approximately 17,000 pilots that landed planes on two aircraft carriers stationed on Lake Michigan — the USS Wolverine and USS Sable — between 1942 and 1945, and the aircraft wrecks that remain behind today. It’s estimated that about 2,000 pilots that landed on the carriers are still alive, including former President George H. W. Bush. The documentary features home videos by one of the pilots, as well as video from the National Archives.

Organizers for the screening are also looking for pilots who might have flown off the carriers to attend the screening. Pilots or their families can contact the Great Lakes Museum about attending at

“Heroes on Deck” will also air on public television on Sunday, November 13.


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